From when they are two years old, children are more independent and self-driven; they feel a greater need to make their will, prevail and learn constantly new skills by mimicking adult behavior and other older children. As parents, we have the chance to foster and give support to our children into experiencing new things and offer them the required safeness for this process.
In this article, we introduce 15 games and activities that help children in their strengthening of their new skills in this development stage of their lives.
1. Mingled
For this game, it is required a series of 3 or 4 photos that follow a sequence (e.g. a birthday party: 1. Guests arrival, 2. Having a good time at the party, 3. Cake time! 4. Farewell). Give the photos to the child in mingled way so that they examine them, remind them of the event depicted in it and ask them: What happened first? Let the child pick the first photo and help them by reminding them what. Do the same with the other photos. Also, you can use pics in a row from any useless magazine or book that the child had already read several times before.
2. Matching
Choose a set of objects that match or that are related to each other such as a key and a padlock, a pencil and a piece of paper, a soap bar and a towel, and the like; (all of them must be safe for the child handling them) and place them on a table in a mingled way. Show the child the stuff so that they can identify them, next take apart one of the objects and ask the child to find another object from the set that may match with the first one taken apart. Should you consider it necessary to provide cues, do it. Go on with the game until all pairs are matched. Eventually, you can upgrade the game difficulty by using images instead of just objects’ photos and thus enhancing the range of choices.
3. Bubbles.
Blowing bouncing bubbles for our children chasing them is a real fun for them. It is also a must to let the child try to blow them since this is really useful for the speaking development.
4. Rabbit hopping
From the age of two, children start trying to jump on both legs but this skill still needs training. Invite the child to jump and jump together with them, jumping first on the same location and then jumping forward like rabbits. Later, you can add some challenge to this activity by jumping while spinning in circles.
5. Step-by-Step
For young children, a ladder is a very effective and fun training area. The simple act of going up and down the stairs is a difficult exercise for them. For older children it is a lot of fun to learn to jump up the stairs.
We must always go together with children while they play on the stairs and ensure their safety. When climbing or jumping, they should always be supported symmetrically, placing each hand on one of our hands so that they have greater stability, and it is not recommended that they only hold with one hand.
6. Birdies
On your next walk, bring some bread or seeds and invite the child to feed the birds. Talk to him about how birds live and the importance of caring for them. At home you can also make a bird feeder and hang it in the window or on a nearby tree to observe with the child how many birds come to the feeder.
7. Stuff features
Using objects and toys that are kept at home as an example, show the child the difference between big and small, edible and inedible, hard and soft, cold and hot, dry and wet, etc. Then classify next to them the items that they can find at home such as furniture, pets, toys, food, etc. The child can also be asked to sort picture cards that are available.
8. The weather
Talk to the child about weather phenomena, the seasons, etc. Observe the weather at present together and describe what you see. At home we can make a simple weather observation chart and after a walk suggest the child describe the weather at present using the chart: Was it sunny or cloudy? Was it raining or snowing? Was there wind? etc.
9. Knowing animals
The child probably already knows some animals and can identify them in a picture; with this activity we can proceed to expand their knowledge about animals by mentioning if they are domestic or wild animals, where they live, what they eat, how they move, etc. We can do it in a fun way by playing with the sounds of animals, creating stories, etc.
10. Find it!
Play together with your child to find things with different properties. You can ask questions like:
- What object is large in this room? And which one is small?
- What object is hard? And which one is soft?
- What is the most fragrant thing in this room?
- What things are blue or red or yellow?
- In general, what object is fluffy, transparent, edible? etc.
This activity develops the child’s attention, expands his knowledge of the world around them and their vocabulary.
11. Recognizing sounds
Help the child to recognize the sounds around him. On the street they can pay attention to the sound of cars, or to the singing of birds. At home one can hear different sounds like a clock, a washing machine, etc., identify them and try to imitate them. Parents can also become a source of sounds by opening and closing doors, banging on wooden spoons, pouring water into a glass, etc.
Play with the child asking “What sound do you hear now?” before going to sleep this game can help the child to recognize and get used to the different sounds that could interfere with her sleep.
12. Helping at home
There are several activities around the house that the child can participate in while developing various skills, such as picking up spoons from the table, folding napkins, peeling a banana, opening a packet of butter, etc. It is advisable to request their help by asking politely «Help me, please»; in this way the child will be happy to take part in.
13. Finding the Match
It is very helpful for children to classify different objects and look for similar characteristics. For this game we can use clothing items such as socks, mittens or gloves with similar designs and textures. Place all the mixed items on a surface and ask the child to find the match. This game can be played on a daily basis while getting dressed or while helping sort clothes with Mom.
You can make a pocket version for this game where you don’t use real objects but objects drawn on paper.
14. Vanished
3-4 different toys are needed for this game. Place the toys in front of the child, ask them to observe the toys carefully, and name the toys he sees. Then ask him to turn around saying, «The toys want to play hide and seek, please turn around.» When the child has turned around, we have to remove a toy and ask the child to guess which toy it is that he hid.
Little by little, the game can be made more complicated. When the child turns around, you can not only remove a toy, but also add a new one and mention, «Oh, our toys got a guest. Who is it?» and the child will also be able to guess which toy has been added.
15. In the queue
For this game you need 3 to 4 different toys, picture cards or any other element.
Mention to the child that they are in a hair salon, a bank, a hospital, or some other place. Arrange the toys with the child as if they were sitting in a row. Ask the child to turn around and remove a toy. Then ask the child, «Who came out of line?» The child must name the missing toy and once they do, place the toy in its place in the row. You can also ask the child to turn around and exchange two toys, then we will ask the child: «Who has changed places?»
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# learning games for 2 year olds, prek 2 year old